I can configure easily using default-frame-alist/initial-frame-alist you say? No, not the very first window as those settings affect the first buffer of a loaded file, but I cannot load a file… (cat bites in tail).
This way I am forced to move the window and resize it manually in two annoying manual steps on each start of Aquamacs. You can not resize and you can not load files (because you can not see through the Dock so well what you are typing). Why? Well, on my screen (which is unfortunately limited to 1024x768) Aquamacs always starts in a way, that the most important resize handle and last line (minibuffer) are blocked by the Dock. Randolf Schultz: There should be an easy way to configure the starting size of the main window (maybe even by automatically remembering the place and size of the window from one session to the next in a configuration file), or the starting geometry should be selected in a more conservative manner. And the great thing is it works right now!
The code looks very simple (Obj-C and Python) so it should be fairly easy to adapt. EditorClient () is a very simple shim which implements ODB and dispatches to a shell command (emacsclient). Jedit X, BBEdit, ForgEdit, MacVim, Smultron, TextWrangler, CSSEdit, JarInspector, Tag, WriteRoom,įraise, PageSpinner, XCode, CotEditor, Espresso, skEdit, mi, Text-Edit Plus, TextMate. No, I don't speak C either :) Max: yes, ODB, would be really great!! (Don't know C either, sorry.) Dave: This is the most comprehensive list I could find: SubEthaEdit, TextEdit, Taco HTML Edit, f=src/MacVim/edit-in-odb has sample code from MacVim. Who have the docs and the sdk (complete with a ODBEditorSuite.h header file): I believe the standard is maintained by the BBEdit ppl DavidReitter: Do you speak C? ayman: This would be a great addition to Aquamacs. Which has a list of external editors in its preferences. I use Cyberduck () as an FTP client (also open-source),

Florian: Editors that implements ODB: (open-source of course): Smultron (), We need a list of a few apps that already implement the client side of ODB. The external editor interface (aka ODB) is defined by BBEdit: ĭavidReitter: interesting suggestion.